Finger cut in Nias - Indonesian culture

So many ways to show sadness and grief left behind family members who died. It took a long time to restore back pain lose. But unlike Dani in Papua, they have a fairly strange traditions. If there is one family member who died, not only by crying, they also cut off his finger.
Cuttting finger symbolizes sorrow and pain when losing a loved family member. The phrase is so profound, even to lose a limb. For the people of the central mountains, the family has a very important role. For the people of Baliem Jayawijaya togetherness in a family has its own values​​.
Not only dani tribe who do so. Overseas, the yakuza gang would cut off one finger members when they failed in their mission.
Why should cut off a finger?
For Dani etnic, a finger can be interpreted as a symbol of harmony, unity, and strength in man as well as a family. Althouugh the existing naming finger on the human hand just to mention a family representative that the thumb. However, if the observed differences in the shape and length of each finger has a strength of unity and togetherness to alleviate all human workload. Fingers work together to build a force that our hands can function perfectly. Ruasnya only lost one, could result in our hands maximal work. So if one part disappears, then there goes the components together and diminished strength.
Other reason is “Wene opakima dapulik welaikarek mekehasik” ​​or basic guidelines to live together in one family, one clan, one honai (home), one tribe, one ancestor, one language, one history / origin, and so on. Togetherness is important for the community central mountains of Papua. Deep sorrow and hurt the bereaved family members, will be recovered if the wound had healed and the finger does not hurt anymore. Maybe that’s why the people of the mountains of Papua cut finger when there is a fmily who died.
Finger Cut tradition in Papua itself is done with a variety of a lot of ways, ranging from using sharp objects such as knives, axes or machetes. There also are doing it by biting her knuckles to break up, tied with a rope so that bloood flow stops and knuckles be dead, then just do the cutting finger.

1 komentar:

menakutkan sekali apa sampe sekarang masih begitu ya?
