AYOP - Kali ini membahas bagaimana cara membuka aura tubuh dan jiwa.klik saja
Aura adalah daya tarik seseorang yang terpancar pada diri seseorang. Dengan aura orang bisa kagum dan tertarik krenanya. Aura yang terpancar dari gaya bicaranya, tutur katanya, kepribadiannya, cara berjalannya, pemikiran-pemikirannya, prinsip-prinsipnya, dan bnyak hal yang bisa membuat orang bisa kagum dan tertarik hatinya. Aura adalah roh hidup seseorang. Roh yang muncul dalam dirinya. Roh yang membuat ia menjadi bernilai karenanya. Maka, Insan manusia tanpa aura menjadi serasa kering karenanya, serasa gersangkarenannya, dan serasa mati dalam kehidupanya. Jadi, aura harus ada pada diri seseorang. Dengan aura, supaya hidup seseorang menjadi bermakna dan sempurna sebagai manusia. 

Tiap orang mempunyai kesempatan hidup dan nasib yang berbeda. Seserang menjadi pemimpin, mempunyai karisma yang tinggi, di segani, di hormati. Seseorang selalu sukses dalam melakukan berbagai macam bisnis dan melakukan karirnya, dan lain sebagainya. Seseorang yang lain mngalami kebalikannya. Hal ini bisa di jelaskan dengan adanya aura dalam diri manusia. Sang Pencipta yang mengatur segalanya adalah yang berkuasa dan yang berkehendak pada nasib manusia, namun manusia berkewajiban berusaha merubah nasib dan keadaannya mencapai taraf yang lebih baik dengan memahami potensi yang di milikinya, di antaranya adalah aura.
Sebenarnya, apakah aura itu? Aura adalah cahaya yang dipancarkan oleh tubuh yang menandakan kondisi fisik, emosi kesehatan, mood dan lain-lain yang ditunjukan oleh warna yang berbeda. Aura itu muncul dari aktifitas listrik yang menjalar di sel-sel syaraf kita. Seberapa besarkah listrik yang ada di syaraf kita? Kecil banget, cuma beberapa elektron volt aja. Seperti yang pernah kita pelajari dari sekolah, aliran listrik yang ada di syaraf kita pun seperti listrik yang menjalar di kabel listrik: adanya medan elektromagnetik dari aliran listrik.
Aura adalah pancaran dari medan elektromagnetik yang ada di syaraf kita. Otak merupakan pusat saraf manusia, milyaran sel saraf ada di otak. Itulah sebabnya kalau orang mengamati atau memfoto aura, lebih mudah di sekitar kepala, bukan di kaki atau perut, karena disekitar kepala-lah pancaran aura yang paling besar.
Penyelidikan mengenai aura manusia telah dimulai sejak tahun 1935 ketika seorang Profesor Rusia, S. Kirlian mengembangkan suatu alat fotografi bertegangan tinggi untuk melihat medan energi di tangan dan kaki manusia. Teknologi itu kemudian dikenal dengan nama Fotografi Kirlian. Sekitar tahun 1985, beberapa ahli riset menemukan teknologi baru yang dikenal dngan Fotografi Aura. Teknologi ini menggunakan sensor biofeedback pada kedua tangan dan mengirimnya ke kamera kemudian mencetaknya dalam bentuk foto polaroid. Dari teknologi ini, dapat dilihat aura diri sendiri secara statis yang tercetak dalam lembaran foto.
Aura yang menyelubungi manusia merupakan satu kesatuan yang terdiri dari ion-ion negatif dan positif, bergerak terus-menerus dan bisa berubah bentuk sesuai yang kita inginkan. Jika sering dilatih maka aura akan bertambah kuat daan besar, sehingga kita bisa membentuk gelombang energi dengan frekuensi tertentu yang banyak kegunaannya, misalnya pengobatan medis, non-medis, dan psikis; pertahanan diri; dan lain-lain. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena setiap kita meniatkan sesuatu, otak akan mempunyai ide dimana ini akan mengakibatkan dikirimnya Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) pada aura tubuh yang telah diperkuat.
Banyak orang ingin bisa membuka auranya, tujuannya bisa bermacam-macam. Namun intinya, sekali aura Anda terbuka dan terpancar, maka kehidupan Anda juga akan berubah. Ada inner power dan inner beauty yang terpancar dari tubuh Anda membuat orang di sekitar Anda lebih suka dan kaming kepada Anda.
Untuk membuka dan meningkatkan aura bisa dengan banyak cara. Ada cara yang tradisional, semi modern, dan benar-benar modern. Yang tradisional itu seperti ilmu pernafasan, chi, rei ki, meditasi dan semacamnya. Yang modern, lebih mudah dan lebih cepat tentu saja dengan stimulasi Musik Terapi Gelombang Otak (Brainwave). Telah diketahui oleh banyak ilmuan bahwa semakin rendah Gelombang Otak (Brainwave) manusia, maka semakin kuatlah aura yang terpancar.

Make a Life Plan

One of the characteristics of life is that it is constantly changing. When you are feeling adrift, or simply want to figure out what your priorities are, you may want to consider writing a life plan. The beauty of a life plan is that it can give a structure to your life while also changing and growing as you do. here tips how to make a life plan :

1. Determining Your Priorities
Consider what roles you play in the present. Each day we play different roles, or give ourselves differentlabels through our actions. These roles can include things like ‘daughter’, ‘painter’, ‘student’, ‘girlfriend’, ‘lover of cheese’, etc. Create a list on a piece of paper. Which do you think are the most consistent roles?
- Examples of other roles include (but are certainly not limited to): chef, dog lover, brother, photographer, boss, mentor, traveler, grandchild, thinker, etc.

Think about the roles that you want to play in your future. Some, if not all, of your roles from the present might be the same roles you want to play in your future, such as ‘mother’ or ‘painter’. However, these roles are the nouns that you would want someone to use to describe you at the end of your life. Think about any of the roles you areplaying the present that are stressing you out or causing a negative impact on your life--perhaps those are roles you would like to cross from your list in the future.- To help you form your list, think about things that you hope to do. Do you want to travel to another country because you’ve never left your home state? If so, ‘traveler’ would be added to the future list.

Consider the reasons you play, or want to play, these roles. To create a life plan, you need to decide what your priorities are at this moment in time. To do this, consider the roles that you want to continue playing, or those you want to add to your life in the future. What is the reason you want to play a certain role? Maybe you have ‘father’ written on your future goals because you want to have children with your partner and give them an amazing life.- A helpful way to figure out the reasons behind your desires is to imagine your own funeral (while this is a morbid thing to do, it really does help!) Who would be in attendance? What you want people to say about you or describe you as? Perhaps the most important things you would wantsomeone to say is that you were an amazing mother and changed the lives of thousands of animals through the organization you volunteered with.

Write down your priorities. Once you have really considered the why behind the things you want to be and do in your life, make a list of them. Making a list will help you to stay organized when coming up with your plan.- For example, you listmight include: am ‘sister’ because I always want to be there to support my brother; want to be ‘writer’ so I can write down my grandparents’ story, etc.

Think about your physical and emotional needs. What will you need to be the person you want to be? If one of the roles you want to play is ‘climber of Everest’, you’re physical needs might include staying fit and eating well. If one your roles is ‘friend’, your emotional needs might be met by surroundingyourself with loving people.

2. Creating Your Goals
Consider what goals you want to accomplish during your lifetime. Use your roles, priorities, and needs to help you solidify some things you want to achieve. Think of this list as your ‘bucket list’--what do you want to do before you die? Remember, these are the goals you really want to achieve, not the goals you thinkothers want you to have. If you need some extra help narrowing down your ideas, consider putting your goals into categories. Some example categories include:
- Career/Vocation; Social (family and friends); Finances; Health; Travel; Knowledge/Intellect; and Spirituality.
- Example goals (according to the order of categories): Become a renowned architect; get married and have two kids; make enough money to comfortably send my children to college; maintain a weight of 120 pounds; visit every continent; earn my Master’s Degree in Architecture; visit Borobudur Buddhist temple.

Write down some specific goals with specific dates to achieve each goal by.Once you have outlined the vague goals that you want to have in your life, such as earn your Masters, set out some defined goals and the dates that you want to reach them by. Here are some definedgoals that are less vague than the ones written in the previous step:
- Lose 10 pounds by June of 2014.
- Be accepted to Master’s degrees programs in architecture by April 2015.
- Travel to Indonesia to visit the Borobudur temple in 2016.

Figure out how you will accomplish your goals. This means assessing where you are right now. What steps are you going to need to do actually reach your goal from where you stand in the present moment. For instance, to continue with the goal of getting a Master’s in Architecture:- From now until April 2015, you will need to: A. Research graduate architecture programs. B. Write any necessarydocuments for the program’s application. C. Fill out the rest of the application and submit it to the proper authorities. D. Wait to hear back from the schools. E. Pick the program that you want to attend from the programs that accepted you. F. Enroll!

3. Writing Your Plan
Write down the steps you will need to take to reach each of your goals. You can do this in any format you like--handwrite it, type it in a Word document, paint it on a large sheet, etc. Whatever format you choose to use, write the steps you will need to take to achieve each of your goals in chronological order. Congratulations--you have just written out your life plan.
- This is a good time to review the details of each step--like the names of the specific graduate programs you are going to apply to. Or, if one of your goals is simply to be happy, write out the details of what will make you most happy along the way.

Review your life plan. One fact of life is that it always changes--and so do we. The goals and priorities that you had when you were 15 are probably not the same as the goals you will have when you are 25 or 45. It is important to review your life plan every so often to make sure that you are following a plan that will truly give you a happy and satisfactory life.- When you review your life plan, also assess the successes that you have achieve so far. It is good to keep track of your accomplishments.

Adjust your life plan. When you do find that your priorities and the goals associated with those priorities have changed, its time to rewrite at least part of your life plan. Consider what is different, what is more important to you now, and how you will achieve this new goal. Rewrite your life plan as much as you need to.- Don’t limit yourself to a certain number of goals--your life plan is a fluid thing. Add goals as they become priorities in your life and removethose that aren’t as important anymore.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a date that you planned to accomplish a goal buy--make adjustments toyour plan and continue forward.
  • Continually revisit and adjustyour plan.Your life will constantly change--your plan should too.

Indonesia Negara Terkaya di Dunia

Indonesia adalah negara terkaya di dunia

Negara Terkaya di Dunia Itu Ternyata adalah Indonesia. Banyak sebenarnya yang tidak tahu di manakah negara terkaya di planet bumi ini, ada yang mengatakan Amerika, ada juga yang mengatakan negera-negara di timur tengah. tidak salah sebenarnya, contohnya Amerika. negara super power itu memiliki tingkat kmajuan teknologi yang hanya bisa disaingi segelintir negara, contoh lain lagi adalah negara-negara di timur Tengah.
Rata-rata negara yang tertutup gurun pasir dan cuaca yang menyengat itu mengandung jutaan barrel minyak yang siap untuk diolah. tapi itu semua belum cukup untuk menyamai negara yang satu ini. bahkan Amerika, Negara-negara timur tengah serta Uni Eropa-pun tak mampu menyamainya.
Dan inilah negara terkaya di planet bumi yang luput dari perhatian warga bumi lainya. warga negara ini pastilah bangga jika mereka tahu. tapi sayangnya mereka tidak sadar "berdiri di atas berlian" langsng saja kita lihat profil negaranya.
Wooww… Apa yang terjadi? apakah penulis (saya) salah? tapi dengan tegas saya nyatakan bahwa negara itulah sebagai negara terkaya di dunia. tapi bukankah negara itu sedang dalam kondisi terpuruk? hutang dimana-mana, kemiskinan, korupsi yang meraja lela, kondisi moral bangsa yang kian menurun serta masalah-masalah lain yang sedang menyelimuti negara itu.
baiklah mari kita urai semuanya satu persatu sehingga kita bisa melihat kekayaan negara ini sesungguhnya.

1. Negara ini punya pertambangan emas terbesar dengan kualitas emas terbaik di dunia. namanya PT Freeport.
Apa saja kandungan yang di tambang di Freeport? ketika pertambangan ini dibuka hingga sekarang, pertambangan ini telah mengasilkan 7,3 JUTA ton tembaga dan 724,7 JUTA ton emas. saya (penulis= suranegara) mencoba meng-Uangkan jumlah tersebut dengan harga per gram emas sekarang, saya anggap Rp. 300.000. dikali 724,7 JUTA ton emas/ 724.700.000.000.000 Gram dikali Rp 300.000. = Rp.217.410. Rupiah!!!!! ada yang bisa bantu saya cara baca nilai tersebut? itu hanya emas belum lagi tembaga serta bahan mineral lain-nya. Seharusnya nama kota di sana itu bukan Tembagapura tapi Emaspura.
Lalu siapa yang mengelola pertambangan ini? bkan negara ini tapi AMERIKA! prosentasenya adalah 1% untuk negara pemilik tanah dan 99% untuk amerika sebagai negara yang memiliki teknologi untuk melakukan pertambangan disana. bahkan ketika emas dan tembaga disana mulai menipis ternyata dibawah lapisan emas dan tembaga tepatnya di kedalaman 400 meter ditemukan kandungan mineral yang harganya 100 kali lebih mahal dari pada emas, ya.. dialah URANIUM! bahan baku pembuatan bahan bakar nuklir itu ditemukan disana. belum jelas jumlah kandungan uranium yang ditemukan disana, tapi kabar terakhir yang beredar menurut para ahli kandungan uranium disana cukup untuk membuat pembangkit listrik Nuklir dengan tenaga yang dapat menerangi seluruh bumi hanya dengan kandungan uranium disana. Freeport banyak berjasa bagi segelintir pejabat negeri ini, para jenderal dan juga para politisi busuk, yang bisa menikmati hidup dengan bergelimang harta dngan memiskinkan bangsa ini.

2. Negara ini punya cadangan gas alam TERBESAR DI DUNIA! tepatnya di Blok Natuna.
Berapa kandungan gas di blok natuna? Blok Natuna D Alpha memiliki cadangan gas hingga 202 TRILIUN kaki kubik!! dan masih banyak Blok-Blok penghasil tambang dan minyak seperti Blok Cepu dll. DIKELOLA SIAPA? EXXON MOBIL! dibantu sama Pertamina.

3. Negara ini punya Hutan Tropis terbesar di dunia. hutan tropis ini memiliki luas 39.549.447 Hektar, dengan keanekaragaman hayati dan plasmanutfah terlengkap di dunia.
Letaknya di pulau Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi dan. sebenarnya jika negara ini menginginkan kiamat sangat mudah saja buat mereka. tebang saja semua pohon di hutan itu makan bumi pasti kiamat. karena bumi ini sangat tergantung sekali dengan hutan tropis ini untuk menjaga keseimbangan iklim karena hutan hujan Amazon tak cukup kuat untuk menyeimbangkan iklim bumi. dan sekarang mereka sedikit demi sediki telah mengkancurkanya hanya untuk segelintir orang yang punya uang untuk perkebunan dan lapangan Golf. sungguh sangat ironis sekali.

4. Negara ini punya Lautan terluas di dunia. dikelilingi dua samudra, yaitu Pasific dan Hindia hingga tidak heran memiliki jutaan spesies ikan yang tidak dimiliki negara lain.
Saking kaya-nya laut negara ini sampai-sampai negara lain pun ikut memanen ikan di lautan negara ini.

5. Negara ini punya jumlah penduduk terbesar ke 4 didunia. dengan jumlah penduduk segitu harusnya banyak orang-orang pintar yang tlah dihasilkan negara ini, tapi pemerintah menelantarkan mereka-mereka. sebagai sifat manusia yang ingin bertahan hidup tentu saja mereka ingin di hargai. jalan lainya adalah keluar dari negara ini dan memilih membela negara lain yang bisa menganggap mereka dengan nilai yang pantas.

6. Negara ini memiliki tanah yang sangat subur. karena memiliki banyak gunung berapi yang aktif menjadikan tanah di negara ini sangat subur terlebih lagi negara ini dilintasi garis katulistiwa yang banyak terdapat sinar matahari dan hujan.
Jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara timur tengah yang memiliki minyak yang sangat melimpah negara ini tentu saja jauh lebih kaya. coba kita semua bayangkan karena hasil mineral itu tak bisa diperbaharui dengan cepat. dan ketika seluruh minyak mereka telah habis maka mereka akan menjadi negara yang miskin karena mereka tidak memiliki tanah sesubur negara ini yang bisa ditanami apapun juga. bahkan tongkat kayu dan batu jadi tanaman.

7. Negara ini punya pemandangan yang sngat eksotis dan lagi-lagi tak ada negara yang bisa menyamainya. dari puncak gunung hingga ke dasar laut bisa kita temui di negara ini.
Negara ini sangat amat kaya sekali, tak ada bangsa atau negara lain sekaya INDONESIA! tapi apa yang terjadi ? Kekayaan Alam Indonesia tdk seirama dgn kehidupan Rakyatnya yang miskin,terpuruk,melarat tak berdaya...
Oleh Sebab itu, Untuk EXXON MOBIL OIL, FREEPORT, SHELL, PETRONAS dan semua PEJABAT NEGARA yang menjual kekayaan Bangsa untuk keuntungan negara asing, diucapkan TERIMA KASIH.
Dan rasa terima kasih KAMI untuk Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke 67 tahun, kami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia memberikan penghargaan sebesar-besarnya kepada pejuang yang telah mengorbankan darah dan air mata mereka untuk bangsa ini..Pengorbanan kalian telah di sia-siakan oleh para Pemimpin yang hanya mementingkan keluarga,perut,& Partainya sndiri,Rakyat baru di tengok ketika PEMILU tinggal hitung Hari dengan mengharap suara & dukungan mereka...namun Ketika PEMILU usai,maka Rakyat kembali dicampakkan & kembali terjadi kesenjangan antara si kaya & si miskin,si kaya makin kaya & si miskin makin miskin...Para pejabat pemerintah makin kaya & rakyat makin miskin dibuatnya...kekayaan Alam Indonesia akhirnya kembali dinikmati oleh segelintir orang khusunya para pejabat,aparatur negara & Pihak Asing..Namun Rakyat hanya mendapatkan janji kosong berbuah dusta 
& kebohongan berbalut penderitaan ...

Ways to reach a healthy weight

5 ways to reach a healthy weight

Diets aren't the way to go when it comes to losing weight. That's because they create temporary eating pattterns — and, therefore, temporary rresults. Most dieters gain back any lost weight when they go back to their old eating habits.

So what's the best way to drop excess weight? Create a new normal!
Weight loss is most likely to be successful when people change their habits, replacing old, unhealthy ones with new, healthy behaviors. Here are 5 ways to make that happen:
  1. Exercise. Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscle — both of which help you look and feel good and keep weight off. Walking the family dog, cycling to school, and doing other things that increase your daily lvel of activity can all make a difference. If you want to burn more calories, increase the intensity of your workout and add some strength exercises to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when you aren't exercising.
  2. Reduce screen time. One reason people get less exercise these days is because of an increase in "screen time" — the amount of time spent watching TV, looking at the computer, using mobile devices, or playing video games. Limit recreational screen time to less than 2 hours pr day. If you're with friends at the mall, you're getting more exercise than if you're texting them from your room.
  3. Watch out for portion distortion. Portion sizes are bigger than they used to be, and these extra calories contribute to obesity. Another key factor in weight gain is that more people drink sugary beverages, such as sodas, juice drinks, and sports drinks. So choose smaller portions (or share restaurant portions) and go for water or low-fat milk instead of soda.
  4. Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Fruits and veggies are about more than just vitamins and minerals. They're also packed with fiber, which means they fill you up. And when you fill up on fruits and veggies, you're less likely to overeat.
  5. Don't skip breakfast. Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, burning calories from the get-go and giving you energy to do more during the day. People who skip breakfast often feel sohungry that they eat more later on. So they get more calories than they would have if they ate breakfast. In fact, people who skip breakfast tend to have higher BMIs than people who eat breakfast.
How to get line coins

How to get line coins

We are proud to introduce LINE Free Coins, a brand new service that enables you to get free LINE Coins for installing apps recommended by LlNE.

All you have to do is install and launch the apps listed on the LlNE Free Coins page, and you will receive free LINE Coins that can be used to purchase paid-for stickers on LlNE!

At the moment, three LINE-integrated apps, namely LINE BubbIe!, LINE Dragon Flight and LINE I Love Coffee, are available through LINE Free Coins. More third-party apps selected and erviewed by the LINE team will be available in the future.
Also, please note that the service is currentIy only available for users registered in Japan, Thailand and Taiwan.

▼How to use LINE Free Coins
1) Tap Free Coins on the More menu in the LINE app
2) Tap the app you wish to download on the Free Coins page

3) Tap Download to launch Google Play and install the app
4) Start the app after it is nistalled successfully, and the number of LINE Coins stated on the Free Coins page will be credited to your account accordingly. (*You can check the amount of Coins credited by going to More > Settings > Coins.) 

Download the great apps recommended by LINE to earn Coins for free, and get those cute stickers to add life to your chats!

This service is presently only available on the Android version of LINE, and there are no plans yet regarding whether the service will be extendd to the iPhone version.

EgyptAir plane hijacked by man wearing suicide belt forced to land in Cyprus

A man wearing a suicide belt has hijacked a passenger plane during a flight in Egypt and forced it to land in Cyprus.

The EgyptAir plane was taken over by at least one armed man while flying from Alexandria on Egypt's Mediterranean coast to the capital Cairo, the country's civil aviation authority said.
Reports have sugggested that eight Britons and 10 American citizens were on board.
The plane landed at Larnaca airport where negotiations have led to the release of all the passengers, except for the crew and four foreigners, the airline said.
In a statement on Twitter, EgyptAir said there was a threat from a passenger with an explosive belt.
The Airbus was carrying 81 passengers, as well as seven crew.
Cypriot government officials said that after the plane, an Airbus A320, landed at Larnaca airport on Tuesday morning hijackers demanded that police vehicles move away from the aircraft.
One official said it "seems like there's more than one hijacker" on the planne.
The plane landed at Larnaca airport at around 8.50am, police in Cyprus said.
It is not clear how many hijackers are aboard the plane but EgyptAir said the captain, Omar Jamal, was alerted to the presence of a passenger who was wearing an explosive belt.
Footage from the airport shows the plane on a runway and passengers leaving the aircraft before getting on to waiting buses with their luggage.
Journalist Vanita Zannetu who is at the airport told BBC 5 Live she could see passengers disembarking from the plane.
"I can see now some passengers coming down from the aeroplane, going to the bus, most probably they are going to go to the building of Larnaca airport. So this is what we know until now."
She added: "We don't know whether the passengers that are coming down now are Greek Cypriots or whether they are other nationalities. We don't know yet. But as I can see there are quite a lot of them coming out."
She said the passengers appeared to be adults and were holding their pers0nal luggage.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office could not confirm whether any Britons were among the passengers, saaying: "We are in contact with the Cypriot and Egyptian authorities after a hijacked plane landed in Cyprus."

how to stop overthinking everything

Ayop - Here are some ways how to stop overthinking everything:

  1. Avoid situations and people that can lead to overthinking.
    You can do this based on history – you can probably determine which situations are going to keep you up at night unnecessarily.  Or do this based on how something makes you feel prior to participating.  This takes some self-awareness, but it isn’t unlike what an alcoholic has to do in order to stay sober.  They avoid the people, places, and things that put them into that mental state.
  2. Talk to yourself
    Rather, don’t talk to yourself in the way you’ve been talking to yourself; “level up” your self-talk.  When you have something on your mind and you can’t shake it, stay aware of your thought process… You may find it surprising how often the topic pops up.  You may also be surprised to find that overthinking is more likely to occur with negative thoughts, which means you’re fixating on the wrong things to help you overcome the situation.  Every time you find yourself overthinking something, especially when it’s negative, think instead, “This isn’t helping.  What would help is…” and replace it with a positive affirmation.  Do this each and every time.
  3. Commit to a project that maps to your goals
    Find a happy person and chances are you’ll find at least one active project that aligns with their core values.  If you’re able to focus your energy on something that matters to you instead of on the repetitive monotony of unhelpfulness, you may find yourself thinking less and less about the thing you want to avoid.
  4. Distract yourself
    Get out, do something, and get your mind off of the thing you can’t stop thinking about.  It’s possible to do this… you just have to be willing to give it a shot, which is probably the trickiest part (convincing yourself to do it).  The best way I’ve found to distract myself is to exercise – for whatever reason it’s hard for me to overthink when I’m sweating – but spending time with your family, going on a drive, or just sitting still and breathing work as well.  The best distractions are ones in which you can find the flow state.  Find your favorite distraction and do it!
  5. Enforce a time limit to your thinking and document your thoughts
    If you’re going to overthink, just commit to it for a short amount of time.  Give yourself permission to overthink, but only for 15 minutes.  Set a timer, grab a pen and paper, and for the entire 15 minutes, write down everything that comes to your mind.  Don’t stop to correct yourself (pretend there’s no eraser or backspace key), it doesn’t matter what you’re writing.  You’re just letting yourself get it all out.  When the 15 minutes are up, crumple up the paper and throw it out (or safely burn it) and move onto something else.  Something fun.
  6. Turn overthinking into a next action in a project plan. 
    One big reason for overthinking is not knowing what comes next in order to make forward progress.  When you consider that overthinking is usually endless unstructured thinking on something, the key is to turn that energy into structured thinking.  Determining what the next possible action is you could take in order to push the boulder another inch up the mountain could free you from thinking about everything else at once.  Crystallize your thoughts into a list of next actions and take the first step.  Add the next to your calendar or to-do list, and know that you’re making progress.
  7. Realize that being perfect isn’t possible.  Striving for perfection is a recipe for disaster, and the sooner you give up those perfectionist tendencies, the sooner you’ll move past the thing that’s occupying all your thoughts.  Perfectionism is highly overrated, and this post lists the 11 reasons why!
  8. Think about the big picture
    This is the one that has worked the best for me over the past few years.  It takes a little experience (i.e. the know-how to realize that it will indeed pass) but if you ask yourself, “Will this matter in a month/6 months/1 year?” and the answer is “No” or “Not really”, then what’s the point in thinking it to death?  If you do, in fact, determine that it will matter in a year, you can use this opportunity to leverage post-traumatic growth.  How has this experience changed you?  What have you learned from it, or how will you approach it differently next time?

Overthinking is a real detriment to focus and must be stamped out.  Forming positive habits and reinforcing them over time will make a big difference in your propensity to overthink, and these steps are some ways in which you can start to do that.

